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Creativity takes centre stage in Arts Week

18 September 2024

Arts Week at John Paul College was a thrilling celebration of creativity, culminating in two standout events: Arts Night and the VCE Media Premiere Night.

This year’s Arts Night theme, Nostalgia – A Sentimental Journey Through Time’, set the tone for a captivating event. Visitors strolled through the Ngargee Centre, admiring impressive student creations in Studio Art, Visual Communication Design, Media Studies, and Product Design. Each piece reflected the students’ dedication and creativity, making the showcase truly inspiring. Enhancing the experience, Food Technology students served light refreshments as attendees explored the exhibits.

The Performing Arts concert wowed the crowd with a diverse line-up of performances from students across all year levels. The event featured exceptional Music, Dance, and Drama acts, including powerful vocal and instrumental performances, lively band showcases, high-octane aerobics, a captivating monologue, and a dynamic dance routine that showcased our students' incredible range of talents. Excitingly, the concert also revealed that next year's College production will be ‘The Little Mermaid!’

The week’s celebrations continued with the VCE Media Premiere Night, where VCE Media students walked the red carpet into a highly anticipated showcase. Guests enjoyed an inspiring photography exhibition and screenings of the remarkable films and audio projects students had worked tirelessly to produce. Each student received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the Media SAT, with special awards presented for Best Composition – Blake, Best Camera – Sebastian, Best Editing – Asher, Best Sound Design – Jenny, Best Costume – Asher, and Best Direction – Chase.

A huge congratulations to all our talented students and dedicated teachers for their contributions to a truly spectacular Arts Week. Special thanks to everyone who worked behind the scenes to ensure the success of these memorable events. It was a week that celebrated the exceptional talent and creativity within our College community.

Visual Arts and Technology Showcase

Performing Arts Concert

VCE Premiere Media Night