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Community Stories

17 May 2024

John Paul College's Community Stories. A series of videos that highlight and celebrate members of our community, who embody and live out our values of courage, perseverance and generosity.

John Paul College was founded with a great sense of community and is proud of it’s commitment to serve and educate the greater Frankston region. This series aims to provide a glimpse into the amazing individuals who make up our JPC community.

The College's trusted and friendly bus drivers.

Dcn Kevin Pattison, an integral part of JPC.

Rosemary Caspersz, a long standing staff member.

Maureen, JPC's beloved crossing supervisor.

Bill, Mark and Tim, the College's trusted and friendly bus drivers.

We're excited to share the latest video in our John Paul College Community Stories series, featuring the heart and soul of our daily commute - our incredible bus drivers Bill, Tim, and Mark from Ventura.

These outstanding members of our extended John Paul College community embody the true spirit of College, living out our core values of community and generosity. From the first hello in the morning to ensuring each student arrives safely at their destination, Bill, Tim, and Mark go above and beyond to brighten our student's days and make a conscious effort to get to know the members of the College community.  Their dedication to our students and staff is truly inspiring, and we are so grateful for the positive impact they have on our community.

Dcn Kevin Pattison, an integral part of the growth and development of the College

Kevin has dedicated over 30 years of his life to John Paul College. From his beginnings as a classroom teacher to assuming roles such as Acting Director of Faith Development, and stepping in as Acting Principal, Kevin's commitment to the College has been remarkable. Even after his retirement, Kevin's passion for John Paul College remained unyielding.

Kevin continues to actively participate in College life as an exam supervisor and serving on the School Advisory Council. Kevin's wealth of knowledge about the College's history and growth is unparalleled, and his narratives of pivotal moments in its development are truly inspiring.

Throughout his time at JPC Kevin has touched the lives of numerous members of the College community, providing them with spiritual guidance, mentorship, and genuine friendship. His contributions to the College community make him an invaluable member, embodying our core values of Community and Generosity.

Rosemary Caspersz, a dedicated and long standing staff member. 

Our second story features Rosemary Caspersz, who has dedicated 20 years to the JPC student administration teams and has a strong family connection to the College as well as being an active member of our local St John's Parish. Retiring this year, we will all miss her warmth, friendly smile and calming nature that has welcomed students, families and staff into the College for the past two decades.

Take a look at what our students and staff have to say about the Rosemary...

Maureen Wainwright, our beloved Crossing Supervisor.

For an impressive 28 years, Maureen watched over JPC students, demonstrating unwavering commitment and a deep affection for her role. Her dedication, warm manner and friendly smile has a lasting impact on the students of JPC, and the College is proud of the dedication, courage and perseverance she has shown over the years.

Take a look at what our students and staff have to say about the wonderful Maureen…