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Fostering leadership and community at the CSYMA Retreat

05 September 2024

Year 11 and 12 students recently participated in the Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia (CSYMA) Retreat, designed to foster a sense of community and develop leadership skills. This overnight Retreat, held in the Chaminade Centre, marked the first opportunity for both CSYMA classes to connect and work together.

The theme of ‘community’ guided the retreat, with each year level group exploring this concept in different ways. Year 12 students focused on how the community they have built during their time at the College will continue beyond graduation. Meanwhile, Year 11 students began to explore their role as future leaders, preparing to strengthen and lead the school community.

“The CSYMA retreat was a lot of fun! There was good food, it was relaxing, and the affirmations were inspiring. I think about them to keep me going in a stressful period" - Adam, Year 12.

This Retreat is an essential component of the CSYMA program, requiring students to participate to earn accreditation. The program emphasizes teamwork, reflection, and spiritual growth, laying a strong foundation for future ministry and leadership within the College and beyond.